Monday, November 04, 2019


Good morning everyone! My friend and I spent the weekend at the Cozy Crop House this weekend. I finally used up six months of Citrus Twist Kits that have been sitting on my shelf! Before I left for the crop, I printed off my favorite photos for the entire year and stuck them in a baggie. Then I gathered all of my kits and album and that was it... with a few tools, stamps and markers.

I am really happy with how my album turned out. This was a first for me...scrapping in this size. BUT, I LOVE IT!! Seriously, the papers, embellishments... they are perfect. I will need to re-subscribe. I took a month off so I could actually use my stash... I didn't want to keep subscribing and not using the kits.

Looks like I need to visit their website this week... Until then, here are a few of the layouts I made. I made 16 total! I will share them in other posts since I don't have much to share for November.

Some pages are less busier than others... it really depended on the patterns, photos and embellishments!

Love the sentiment on the journaling card! It is perfect and so true for my family. :)

More sentiments that I love... I love the variety of embellishments in the Citrus Twist Kits. While I was at the crop, several ladies asked me about the albums... Looks like they will be shopping at Citrus Twist soon!

So, I started this album with the intention of giving it to my mom... but I don't want to give it up now. LOL... I promise you, she will get it... but I'm gonna enjoy it first... just for a few weeks.

This page is pretty busy... I love the mixture of patterns and embellishments here... This is my beautiful family!

And the last layout for today... some photos from our trip to the farm last month!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Hope you were inspired! 

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